Can Guinea Pigs Eat Clover? The Only Guide You Need!

Clover is a herbaceous plant that belongs to the pea family. It has dense rounded flower heads and leaves, which are typically three-lobed. It is used as an essential fooder and rotational crop.

After knowing about clover, you will ask that can I feed this herbaceous plant to my small guinea pig? If yes, then what amount and what parts of clover are safe for them?

Yes, Guinea pigs can eat green, red, purple, and other types of clover but only in a moderate amount. Feed red clover to your baby guinea pig. However, feed ¼ teaspoon of clover to an adult guinea pig. Other parts of clover, including stems, leaves, and flowers, are also healthy for guinea pigs.

Some suitable grasses for guinea pigs are clover, hay, buffalo grass, and oat grass.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Clover from the Yard?


Yes, clover is not toxic to guinea pigs, and they are entirely safe for them in a moderate amount. It is high in calcium, especially the red clover.

Clover helps the guinea pigs in enhancing the chewing period. Moreover, it is also suitable for their teeth health.

Clover grows as a lawn weed in most parts of the world, and it is readily available. If you leave your little pet around then, they can quickly eat clovers from the yard.

Before feeding clovers to guinea pigs, the entire lawn area needs to be ensured to have not been sprayed with any chemicals.

  • What about baby guinea pigs? Can they also eat clovers? Well, yes! Baby guinea pigs can also eat clovers but only in moderation.
  • Can Guinea Pigs Eat Clover Sprouts? Guinea pigs can quickly eat clover sprouts. There are some sprouts that guinea pigs can quickly eat. These include Alfalfa, broccoli, wheat, soybean, radish, onion, and pea.
  • Can Guinea Pigs Eat Clover Stems? Yes, clover stems are completely edible and safe for guinea pigs. Your little pet will love to have them as they are a little crunchy and suitable for their teeth health.

Health Benefits of Clover for Guinea Pigs

Clover is one of the weeds that guinea pigs love to eat. One important thing that you should take care of your guinea pig is their happiness. Clovers include healthy nutrients that are good for guinea pig’s overall health.

  • Fight with free radicals

Clover contains certain antioxidants that fight with free radicals in guinea pig’s body that causes most of the diseases.

  • Helps in Scurvy Prevention

Guinea pigs are easily prone to scurvy due to a lack of calcium. To prevent scurvy, one needs to add calcium to guinea’s diet, and clover is one of the best options.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Hop Clover?

Hop clover, also known as hop trefoil, is native to Europe and Western Asia. This type of clover has limited edible uses. What about guinea pigs? Can they have hop clover?

Yes, guinea pigs can have hop clovers but again, only in moderation.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Purple Clover?

Purple clover is sometimes confusing with the red one because of its dark appearance. Now you will ask that can guinea pigs eat purple clover? Well, yes, guinea pigs can eat purple clover too but only in a moderate amount.               

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Red Clover?

Red clover is also one of the types of clovers, and they are excellent for guinea pigs. Yes, guinea pigs can also eat red clover.

Red clover is more beneficial for baby guinea pigs because of its high calcium content.

Red clovers are beneficial for guinea pigs because of their nutrition forage, rich in protein, carbohydrates, and minerals.

These all nutrients are safe and healthy for guinea pig’s health. Guinea pigs are prone to tooth problems due to calcium deficiency. For this reason, clovers can be used to fulfill calcium deficiency.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Sweet Clover?

In this article, I have already discussed that guinea pigs can quickly eat clovers but only in a moderate amount. What about sweet clover?

Can guinea pigs eat sweet clover? Yes! Guinea pigs can also eat sweet clover.  Their colors are vibrant, and their smell is lovely, which attracts the guinea pigs.

You can treat your guinea pig with sweet clover once or twice a week. However, for baby guinea pigs, only a tiny amount is appropriate.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Three Leaf Clovers?

Three-leaf clover is also one of the types of clover that guinea pigs can quickly eat. As the name indicates, three-leaf clover consists of three leaves, and they have the same nutritional amount, just like the other types of clover.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat White Clover?

Yes, guinea pigs can quickly eat white clover as it is also beneficial for guinea pig’s health. White clover also contains the same amount of nutrients that are healthy for your little pet. White clover has enough iron in it that generates healthy blood.

White clover can also be used to treat cough, fever, and colds in guinea pigs. If your little pet is sick, then you can treat it with a small amount of white clover.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Wild Clover?

Now you’ll ask about the preference of guinea pigs in the wild. What do they like to eat while they are in the wild?

Guinea pigs like to eat wild clover when they are in the wild. Wild clovers are rich in Vitamin C and water that is healthy for guinea pigs’ overall health. However, guinea pigs can’t eat any such harsh vegetables or fruits unsafe for their little stomach.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Yellow Clover?

Yellow clovers are also entirely safe for guinea pigs, and they can quickly eat them. However, a guinea pig’s stomach is prone to diseases easily; that’s why you should be concerned before feeding anything to your little pet.

Yellow clover is also one type of clover that guinea pigs enjoy as a treat once or twice a week.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Purple and White Clover Flowers?

Yes, clover flowers are safe for guinea pigs.

There are two types of clover flowers; purple and white. Just like the plant, guinea pigs can quickly eat clover flowers. They are rich in calcium and protein that helps in guinea pig’s health.  

White clover is healthier than all other flowers. The typical plant of clover has white flowers that are guinea pig’s favorite. They enjoy eating white clover flowers. Moreover, these flowers assist them in having a better life.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Clover Grass?

Clover is easy and affordable to grow. It is a nitrogen-fixing plant that brings nutrients into the diet.

However, clover grass can be fixed with other grasses to eliminate the need for regular fertilizing. Clover grass is drought tolerant and can also grow even in the deficiency of water.

Clover grass is safe and healthy for guinea pigs, and they can quickly eat them.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Clover Hay?

No, guinea pigs can’t eat clover hay as they have a large amount of calcium and protein that can harm their bodies.

A large intake of protein and calcium can be harmful to guinea pigs and can lead to several diseases.


Clover is a healthy choice for guinea but only in a small amount and not very often. However, you can’t overfeed clover to your little guinea pig.

You should monitor the number of clover you will feed your guinea pig. Feed red clover to your baby guinea pig. However, feed ¼ teaspoon of clover to an adult guinea pig. Guinea pigs can quickly eat green, red, purple, and other types of clover. Other parts of clover, including stems, leaves, and flowers, are also healthy for guinea pigs.

Clover has the right amount of calcium, protein, and other healthy antioxidants for guinea pig’s health.

SmallPetsX.Com does not provide veterinary advice. Our aim to help small pet owners understand their pets a little better so that they can provide their pets with the life they deserve. All content is therefore for informational purposes only. If you're concerned about the health of your pet you should seek medical advice from a vet.

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