Can Guinea Pigs Eat Apples? (Core, Skin, Seeds and More)

Apple ???? is a crunchy and delicious fruit with a lot of vitamins and antioxidants.

But Can Guinea Pigs eat apples? ???? Are apples safe for them?

Many guineas pig owners would be confused that can they feed this sweet fruit to their adorable guinea pig or not?

Yes, Guinea Pigs can eat apples in moderation along with their core and skin. But apple seeds are not suitable for guinea pig’s health. They are terrible and can lead to several health problems. However, avoid excessive feeding because it can lead to obesity, diarrhoea, and several health problems.

Apple is a powerhouse of vitamin C, Fibers, and antioxidants. Vitamin C and antioxidants boost the immune system, and they are an essential part of the guinea pig’s diet.

Want to explore more about your guinea pig’s diet and apples ?????

You are just landed in the right place!

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Apples?


Guinea pigs can eat apples, and even they love them. Green and red apples are high in sugar content that’ why they should not be overfed. Before feeding apples to guinea pigs, you should consider several things.

Are apples good for guinea pigs? Apples are healthy and nutritious for guinea pigs as they contain several antioxidants that fight against free radicals.

Apples contain lots of lousy sugar for guinea pig if high amounts are given to guinea pigs.

You also need to be cautious if you are feeding green apples to a guinea pig. Green apples are sour and more acidic than the red apples.

Just like human beings, apples are also beneficial for guinea pigs. You can feed 10 mg of Vitamin C to your guinea pig per day. And apples contain the right amount of Vitamins that are essential for guinea pig’s health.

Can guinea pigs eat green apples? 

Green apples are less sweet than the red apples, and they are healthier. But can guinea pigs eat green apples? ????

Just like other types of apples, guinea pigs can also eat green apples but only in moderation. Overfeeding of green apples can cause stomach problems and gastric issues.

Can guinea pigs eat Granny Smith apples? 

When we talk about green apples, you must have granny smith apples in your mind.

Granny Smith apples are the most common type of green apple, and Maria Ann Smith in Australia cultivates this. But can guinea pigs eat Granny Smith apples?

Yes, guinea pigs can eat Granny Smith apples, but only in a small amount. These apples are rich in nutrients and vitamins like C and K.

Can guinea pigs eat cooked apples? 

Cooked apples can cause severe stomach problems, so don’t give them to your little guinea pig.

Guinea pigs don’t love to eat cooked food, they only like fresh and organic fruits and vegetables. So, you should avoid giving your guinea pig any type of cooked food like a cooked apple.

Moreover, guinea pigs are herbivores; their digestive system does not accept any cooked apples or other cooked food types.   

Health Benefits of Apples to Guinea pigs

The following are health benefits of apples for guinea pigs:

Source of vitamin C

Apples are a great source of Vitamin C that is a powerful antioxidant known for fighting against free radicals. An apple also resists diseases causing microorganisms.

Source of B-complex Vitamins

Apples also include B-complex vitamins that help in the regulation of the nervous system.

Can guinea pigs eat apples every day? 

Do you also have a question in your mind that can guinea pigs eat apples every day? No, Guinea Pigs should not eat apples every day. They should be only given to them in moderation as a treat.

Apples are sweet and tasty with many nutrients that are beneficial for guinea pig’s health but still should not be fed to guinea pigs daily.

How many apples can I give my guinea pigs?

Apples are good for guinea pigs because they are a powerhouse of several nutrients and vitamins C.

You can feed one or two slices of apples twice or once a week only as a treat.   

Can guinea pigs eat apple cores?

Apple core is an integral part of the apple, including seeds and stem. But can guinea pigs eat apple cores? Yes, Guinea pigs can eat the apple core, but you need to remove the seeds because they are not healthy.

Apple core is beneficial for guinea pigs because they are a good source of hydration. Apple core contains 85% of water.

And that makes apple core a great source of hydration for guinea pigs. Apple cores are also crunchy for guinea pig’s teeth and an excellent fibre and Vitamin C source.

Can guinea pigs eat apples with skin? 

Apple skin is rich in fibre and contains 50% more nutrients that the apple core itself. But can guinea pigs eat an apple with its skin?

Definitely, Guinea pigs can eat apples with the skin, but only in moderation. Fibre is good for guinea pigs and helps in digestion, but too much fibre can cause diarrhoea and loose stool.

Apple skin also contains vitamins, antioxidants, and other nutrients that are good for guinea pig’s overall health. And the antioxidants also lower the risk of cancer in guinea pig’s body.

Can guinea pigs eat apple seeds? 

No, Guinea Pigs can’t eat apple seeds because they are toxic. Apple seeds contain amygdalin that can produce cyanide in the digestive system.

This can be toxic and causes serious health problems. It is best to remove sources of the apple before feeding them to your adorable guinea pig.  

Final Thoughts

To sum up, if you want to feed an apple to your guinea pig, then you must consider the amount. Guinea pigs can eat apples, and even they love them.

Green and red apples are high in sugar content that’s why they should not be overfed. Before feeding apples to guinea pigs, you should consider several things.

Apple seeds are toxic to guinea pigs, while apple peels are healthy for guinea pigs in a certain amount.

SmallPetsX.Com does not provide veterinary advice. Our aim to help small pet owners understand their pets a little better so that they can provide their pets with the life they deserve. All content is therefore for informational purposes only. If you're concerned about the health of your pet you should seek medical advice from a vet.

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