Can Hamsters Eat Watermelon? Seeds, Rind Explained! (2023)

Watermelon is a great summer fruit that we all enjoy. But sometimes, we want to feed this fruit to our small partner, hamster.

This might raise a question in your mind that can hamsters eat watermelon? Is watermelon safe for them? If yes, then what amount is safe for your hamster? Which parts of watermelon are healthy for them?

If you are curious and want to know about watermelon and hamsters, this blog is for you.

Yes, hamsters(Dwarf, Syrian, Robo hamsters) can eat watermelon quickly. However, the serving size of watermelon depends on your little pet’s species. Don’t feed the watermelon seeds(reason for choking). The watermelon rind/shell is also safe to feed your adorable hamster.

Let’s explore more about watermelon and hamster’s diet!

Can Hamsters Eat Watermelon?


Yes, hamsters can eat watermelon. It is one of the safe fruits that any hamster owner can add to his pet diet but only moderation. Hamsters can eat different types of fruits but in moderation.

Watermelon is a red, juicy, and crunchy fruit with several health benefits. It is the most common type of melon with a round green exterior rind that is thick than the inner part.

Can Baby Hamsters eat Watermelon? Baby hamsters can also eat watermelon but only in a small amount. However, frozen watermelon is not good for your little pet because the number of nutrients is less in frozen fruits.

Can Hamsters eat Yellow Watermelons? Yellow watermelon, just like green watermelon is 90% of water therefore only moderation is the key to keep your pet healthy.

Can Robo Dwarf Hamsters Eat Watermelon?

Robo Dwarf hamsters are also one of the species of hamsters that love to eat watermelon but in a moderate amount.

As mentioned before, watermelon is high in sugar content, and the excessive amount of sugar in the hamster’s body can lead to several health issues. Make sure to feed watermelon to your Robo Dwarf hamsters as an occasional treat once or twice a week.

Can Russian Dwarf Hamsters Eat Watermelon?

Yes, Russian Dwarf hamsters can also eat this sweet fruit, just like other species. Only feed around a teaspoon of watermelon every week to your Russian dwarf hamster. This is enough for it to take the benefits, more than this, and it can become more trouble than it is worth!

Can Teddy Bear Hamsters Eat Watermelon?

The Teddy bear hamster is one of the hamster species that can quickly eat watermelon. Like other fruits and vegetables, watermelon can also be fed as an occasional treat once or twice a week. Due to its several nutritional facts, watermelon is one of the best fruits for teddy bear hamsters if fed in moderation only.

Can Winter White Hamsters Eat Watermelon?

Winter White Hamsters, also known as Russian hamsters, can easily enjoy watermelon. Watermelon is a juicy and nutritious fruit for your adorable pet. It contains several vitamins, minerals, and nutrition that provide health benefits to your little pet.

Can Syrian or Dwarf Hamsters Eat Watermelon?

Syrian hamsters are also known as dwarf hamsters. Can they eat watermelon? Yes, Syrian or Dwarf hamsters can eat watermelon too. Watermelon can be fed to them as an occasional treat only once or twice a week.

Only feed around a teaspoon of watermelon every week to your Syrian hamster. This is enough for it to take the benefits, more than this, and it can become more trouble than it is worth!

Can Bearded Hamsters Eat Watermelon?

Bearded hamsters are also one of the species of hamsters that love to eat watermelon but in a moderate amount.

As mentioned before, watermelon is high in sugar content, and the excessive amount of sugar in the hamster’s body can lead to several health issues. Make sure to feed watermelon to your bearded hamsters as an occasional treat once or twice a week.

Can Chinese Dwarf Hamsters Eat Watermelon?

Yes, Chinese Dwarf hamsters can also eat watermelon, just like Syrian and other species of hamsters. Watermelon has high water content, keeping Chinese Dwarf hamsters hydrated. However, other vitamins and minerals in watermelon like Vitamin A, calcium, potassium, fiber, phosphorus are all needed for a hamster’s healthy body.

Health benefits of watermelon

Here are some of the health benefits of watermelon for your little hamster:

Vitamin C

Watermelons are rich in vitamin C, and hamsters need this vitamin in their diet. It helps them in preventing diseases like scurvy.

Watermelon also has a high water content, which means it can also keep your little hamster hydrated. However, other vitamins and minerals in watermelon like Vitamin A, calcium, potassium, fiber, phosphorus are all needed for a hamster’s healthy body.

Sugar Content

Watermelon has a high sugar content, so it should be taken under consideration before feeding this fruit to your little hamster.

How Often Can A Guinea Pig Eat Watermelon?

Now it is clear that hamsters can eat watermelon, and it has a lot of nutrients and vitamins that keep them healthy. But what should be the serving size of a watermelon?

You should feed watermelon to your hamster in moderation. Only providing watermelon as an occasional treat is best for your little hamster.

A teaspoon-sized watermelon once or twice a week is best for your pet hamster, and it will enjoy it.

Can Hamsters Eat Watermelon Seeds?

Several seeds are not safe for your hamster. To avoid any complications, always check before feeding any seeds. But can hamsters eat watermelon seeds?

No, hamsters can’t get watermelon seeds as they are not toxic to them but because of their size. They are big enough to stick in a hamster’s throat and can be a reason for choking.  

Can Hamsters Eat Watermelon Rind/Shell/Skin?

Watermelon rind/shell is the outer green part that is thick. But can your little hamster eat watermelon rind along with the fruit? Yes, it is safe to feed watermelon rind/shell to your adorable hamster. Watermelon flesh is high in sugar content so try to provide watermelon rind to balance guinea pig’s diet.

Watermelon rind or skin is better than red fleshy part because it does not contain that much sugar. But what are the health benefits of watermelon rind or skin?

Health benefits of watermelon rind

The following are the health benefits of watermelon rind:

Scurvy protection

As discussed above, hamsters are prone to scurvy because their diet does not contain enough vitamin C. watermelon rind has enough vitamin C to protect against scurvy in hamsters. However, early symptoms of scurvy are fatigue, diarrhea, bleedings, etc.

Cure for digestion problems

Watermelon rind is rich in zinc and betaine, and the nutrients are essential for guinea pig’s gut health. Sometimes your hamsters might have some digestion issues like cramps or diarrhea. Watermelon rind can treat these digestion problems.

Healthy Blood

Watermelon rind is rich in iron, and iron keeps the blood healthy in the hamster’s body.

Final Thoughts

To sum up, if you want to feed watermelon to your little hamster, you must consider the amount. Hamsters can eat watermelon, and even they love them. Red watermelon is high in sugar content that’ why they should not be overfed. Before feeding watermelon to the hamster, you should consider several things.

Hamsters love and enjoy eating watermelon. They must be fed only once or twice a week just as a treat to your adorable pet. After all, watermelon provides several nutrients and vitamins to every species of hamsters that are good for their well-being.

SmallPetsX.Com does not provide veterinary advice. Our aim to help small pet owners understand their pets a little better so that they can provide their pets with the life they deserve. All content is therefore for informational purposes only. If you're concerned about the health of your pet you should seek medical advice from a vet.

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